relationship / synastry readings

Synastry is the art of discerning how two people's individual horoscopes interact with each other. The relationship between the planets in those charts gives us insight into the dynamics that are at play between them. A synastry consultation can be useful for romantic partners, friends, family members, or business associates.
Our natal horoscopes act as a road map that reveals the various aspects of our character and how those aspects work themselves out in our lives. Synastry offers us a glimpse into how the emotions, energies, and psychological patterns that each person brings to the relationship are likely to mesh with each other.
I also utilize a composite chart and a Davison chart. These charts are essentially the charts of the relationship itself, created by the mathematical midpoints between each person's planets. This chart can give further insight into the relationship dynamics that a couple is likely to experience.
These insights can bring some awareness to the strengths and challenges that exist in their relationship so they can better handle any issues that arise and learn to appreciate and accept one another more fully.
I am also available for ongoing couples counseling that utilizes each partner's horoscope for deeper understanding and more effective relating,
Our natal horoscopes act as a road map that reveals the various aspects of our character and how those aspects work themselves out in our lives. Synastry offers us a glimpse into how the emotions, energies, and psychological patterns that each person brings to the relationship are likely to mesh with each other.
I also utilize a composite chart and a Davison chart. These charts are essentially the charts of the relationship itself, created by the mathematical midpoints between each person's planets. This chart can give further insight into the relationship dynamics that a couple is likely to experience.
These insights can bring some awareness to the strengths and challenges that exist in their relationship so they can better handle any issues that arise and learn to appreciate and accept one another more fully.
I am also available for ongoing couples counseling that utilizes each partner's horoscope for deeper understanding and more effective relating,